My son commented that globes were not in the olden days because they thought the world was flat. So the marshmallows from yesterday's tableau was spot on!?
My friend Anja's family woke to find their Wise Men hiding in the bushes, and Roxanne's family found their Wise Men riding a stuffed camel near their tree.My kids and I talked about how the Wise Men were studious men who had heard the prophecies of the Saviors birth and studied the skies until a new star appeared and they left everything behind as they followed the star to see where it lead them.
We read 2 Timothy 2:15
Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth.
Not necessarily about the Wise Men, but just like they studied the scriptures we need to study also then in the day when trials come we can present ourselves to Christ without shame. For us moms, this also reads for us to study hard so that we can teach our children with accuracy and truth.
Last night as I was setting up the Wise Men, I prayed over them and prayed that my children see the Christmas story for more than the fun of a birthday celebration, but that because of this baby boy we can have eternal life with Jesus! Wow.. takes my breath away thinking of this! I pray that as you read this, or start your own Wandering Wise Men that your kids can see the eternal impact of Jesus!
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